Thursday, March 12, 2009

6 Effective Habits of a Successful Home worker

Setting up a successful online business seems to be a popular dream now days. This is not surprising when you consider the current hysteria and hype that is prevalent throughout the internet about the subject. The idea of having free time to enjoy massive wealth gained with little effort is proving to be irresistible to many who eagerly part with their money in order to gain insight into the latest online scheme.

Often the only benefactors from such transactions are the sellers. There are of course some real professionals out there in the online community who are genuine success stories and have shared their methods in order to help others. These guys are smart and professional marketer's who can easily give the big corporation guys a run for their money.

Fact is that I have been studying and reading up on a number of what I call my online hero's for a number of years. They inspired me to set up my own business which thankfully is successful and helping me realise my dreams. During my career I have noted that all of the big guys share common attributes, which seem to have clearly contributed to if not made them successful.

With this in mind I have created a summary of what I call the '6 Effective Habits of a Successful Home worker', here they are;

1) Always treat your business as a business and not a hobby. Sounds simple, but you'd be surprised at how being serious about your online business can impact the results.

2) Focus on one or a few projects at a time. Don't do the headless chicken and run around aimlessly moving from project to project. Write an action plan for each project and focus until you complete it and it is working successfully before moving on.

3) Know when to quit. Some good ideas turn out to be bad ideas in practice. Set some parameters and conditions to each online project you have. It may be you think you have found the number 1 product to be an affiliate for. In fact the early results have been good. So you expand your advertising and promotional activity, but do not see the return you were hoping for. Why not set a rule that you will only promote a new product for a limited amount of time or for a limited amount of advertising spend. If in that period it does not produce a return greater than your investment you will drop the product. How simple is that?

4) Work smart. Invest in all the smart tools and don't cut corners. To be able to do this you may have buy them over a period of time and not immediately, my suggestion is the reinvesting of your early days profits. The benefits you will reap by getting hold of the right tools are invaluable. You should see a sharp increase in both your productivity and profitability.

5) Remain Enthusiastic. Not every project works out and you will definitely have to overcome obstacles and learn from failure. Keep encouraging yourself and stay positive.

6) My final point is this. Successful home workers never stop studying and learning. No matter how well your online business is going, things can change quickly on the internet. Stay informed, always looking at and considering new situations and opportunities as they arise.

Written by John Vaux – Mangozoom Online Marketing

John Vaux heads up Mangozoom and is a UK based, internet marketing professional. His no hype approach to building solid online success is creating quite a stir. For a limited time he is giving away a 7 Step Guide to Online Success. Find out more and to get your copy visit

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Finding The Right Work From Home Internet Business Opportunity

As the Internet grows and the amount of people using it so does the endless amount of online home business opportunities.

So how does one find the best work from home business opportunities on the Internet today? You could do a search for business opportunities or work from home business opportunities using your favorite search engine such as Google but chances are you will be more confused than when you started. Most web sites listed on Google, (Mine Included) offer a wide range of more than 1 type of work from home Internet business opportunity.

Let's take a closer look at some of the different types of moneymaking opportunities on the Internet.


Affiliate programs can actually be categorized into smaller sub categories but most have products that they are trying to sell via a link that you must put on your own web site. There are exceptions to this. For example SFI one of the affiliate programs I belong to will actually supply you with personalized gateway page's that you can use to sell their products without actually having to create your own web site. All affiliate programs payout commissions when you actually sell something for them.


Paid surveys are actually gaining strength fast on the Internet. They offer their members cash for filling out surveys online from comfort of their own home computer.

MLM or network marketing is when you actually recruit other sales people into an organization or down line in order to sell products. This type of marketing has been confused with illegal pyramids in the past. But in actual fact some of the largest marketing organization such as Avon, Tupperware and Amway to name just a few can all be categorized as MLM.

These are just a few of the different types of business opportunities you will find on the Internet. As I mentioned above, These 3 categories can be broken down into smaller sub categories. If you have your own web site chances are you can utilize almost all of the above in some way shape or form and create a truly great multiple steams of income business on the Internet.

Choosing what's right for your web site is the trick. You need to keep everything on your website relative to the theme of your web site. If you start putting stock and bond opportunities on your Affiliate program or network marketing opportunities web site, chances are it will not fit in properly with the rest of your content.

Finding good quality business opportunities that fit in with the theme of your site that will actually pay you a commission is also key. I don't know how many business opportunities I have joined in the past that either didn't fit well on my site or didn't pay out commissions on a regular basis for products and services I have sold.

The only way to find out if something works is to try it out on your site and test it to see if it works or not. Get rid of the non-productive programs and keep the ones that are working for you.

Strong Future International Marketing Group (SFI)- I have been with SFI for the longest (since 1999) and they have been paying me commissions every month for 4 years and counting.

ClickBank is the online distribution center for over 10,000 digital products and services Products marketplace are promoted through our network of over 100,000 online marketers (affiliates). Each vendor selects an affiliate commission percentage for their products in advance. Affiliates promote the products, and refer interested customers to the vendor's web site. ClickBank is one of my most productive opportunities today.

Websponsors is an affiliate program that will pay you for both sales and services plus lead supplying programs for other business opportunities. provides you with the tools and advertising programs you need to maximize your earnings. We are here to help you generate results.

Build an attractive revenue stream and enhance site content while maintaining brand identity.'s 2-Tier Search Engine model pays commissions per click as well as for referred advertisers and affiliates. Easy cutting & pasting of system-generated code lets you choose look and feel. Detailed online reporting included.

You can sign up for all of these programs and start earning commission checks by going to the following page on my site.

Tom Worsley is a successful work from home Internet marketer and independent representative for SFI. Owner and Webmaster for

This article may be re-published on your site or in your newsletter as long as this resource box is included.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Become A Work At Home Mom

1 - Start A Daycare Service In Your Home

Care for other working parent's children in your home. Talk to friends, family and other parents you know to find prospective customers. Make a list of services you will provide (meals, diapers, activities, etc.) and estimate how much money you will spend to provide these items. Consider the value of your time and your services to determine an hourly or weekly rate to charge customers. Discuss your ideas with people who are experienced childcare professionals. They may provide insight to important issues and offer helpful advice.

Benefits: Spend every day with your child. Earn some extra money without leaving your home.

Necessities: Honest love of children. Patience. Time management and organizational skills. Adequate space and hazard free home.

Considerations: State laws vary, but certifications, approvals, inspections, and licenses are required for some home childcare providers. Check out the rules in your state, as well as possible county or local government regulations.

Drawbacks: Lack of quiet time. Less individual interaction with your own child.

2 - Start A Word-Processing/Data-Entry Service

Brush up on your typing skills and put that computer to use. Talk to friends, family or local business people to get leads to clients, who may be in need of this type of service. Decide what types of documents you will offer to prepare for customers (newsletters, resumes, business cards, legal documents, menus, medical transcriptions etc.) Research prices and options available at other businesses that provide similar services. Name your new company. Create sample flyers of your work and distribute at offices, malls, hospitals, restaurants and any other place that could use your services. Advertise for free by word of mouth. Or market your services with advertisements in local newspapers, business journals, radio, and public television networks.

Benefits: Make your own hours. Potential to earn fairly good profit depending on your time commitment.

Necessities: Good computer. Knowledge of word-processing programs, like Microsoft Windows or Word Perfect. Area in your home for your office (not the living room with the television and your toddler to divert your attention).

Considerations: Set up contracts with your customers that will clarify your services, fees, and payment terms. Check with a lawyer to determine best way for you to develop a contract that will ensure you get paid for your work.

Drawbacks: Establishing yourself in business will require some start-up money to advertise and attract initial customers. Ability to devote certain days/hours to working in your office at home without distractions.

3 - Become An Affiliate Salesperson for Health Products, Lingerie, Handmade Baskets or Similar Items

If you're interested in cosmetics, consider companies, like Avon or Mary Kay. If healthy living is your priority, seek opportunities with businesses that specialize in nutrition products, vitamins, holistic medicine, or health supplements. Whether you like Tupperware, books or toys, there's various options to work from home as an independent distributor, telecommuting representative or sales associate with a manufacturer, who makes something you know about, believe in or want to learn about.

Benefits: Work independently in already established business. Choose your hours and level of commitment that will determine your income.

Necessities: Knowledge of whatever you're selling. Some sales experience or a desire to learn how to sell. Ability to talk to people you don't know and captivate their interest in the product you're promoting.

Considerations: Make sure you understand terms of manufacturer's contract, like your commission, initial investment, length of contract. It's worth having a lawyer look over a document before you sign it. Ask questions before you commit to anything.

Drawbacks: No guaranteed income. Your earnings depend on your sales.

4 - Start A Tutoring Service Or Offer Private Lessons

Some parents don't have time or energy to help their children with homework. If you like working with kids and have the ability and knowledge to assist students with a particular subject, consider offering to tutor kids afterschool or on weekends in your home. If the thought of homework still gives you a headache, think about what talents you have that you could share with other people. Some parents seek one-on-one instruction for their kids that schools seldom offer in regular classes. Consider some popular subject areas, like piano lessons (or any musical instrument instruction), dance classes, art training, or writing workshops.

Benefits: Personal reward for providing others with knowledge and skills that are meaningful to you. Set your own schedule.

Necessities: Knowledge of subject matter. Ability to teach what you know to someone else in a way that is understandable, interesting and professional.

Considerations: Responsibility for other people's children while they're in your home. Credentials to prove your qualifications, if ever questioned.

Drawbacks: Patience and true passion for what you're teaching. Potential for people to cancel at last minute or not show up at all for scheduled lesson, which could negatively effect your income.

5 - Start A Sewing Business

If you have a flair for fixing tears, mending seams, altering outfits or making custom clothing, dig that old sewing machine out of the attic, figure out how to get it running again, thread a needle, push some pins, and practice stitching something. If you find out it still fits your fashion sense. If you feel confident and capable after a few crash courses, consider contacting local clothing stores, who may keep lists of referrals for their customers in need of alterations. Look for other places to publicize your new business pursuit, like local drycleaners, Laundromats, schools, wedding shops, or craft stores. Once you get a few satisfied customers, you can almost count on word-of-mouth to carry your name to more people in need of sewing services.

Benefits: Decide how much work you want to do and when you want to do it. Sewing projects can be done in phases, for example, maybe you have an hour to make some minor alterations, while your children are sleeping or 15 minutes to finish fixing a tear, while you're watching the evening news.

Necessities: Professional Seamstress skills. A good sewing machine. Materials, like thread, needles, pins etc.

Considerations: Must be able to provide the professional services that customers are paying for and deliver on your promises in a timely fashion.

Drawbacks: Potential for problems with sewing machine that you cannot fix. Ability to deal with demanding people, like customers who can afford custom tailored clothing and expect absolute perfection.

6 - Start Selling Your Homemade Arts And Crafts

If you have a knack for creating arts and crafts, like dried flower wreaths, pottery, silk flower arrangements, wooden furniture, calligraphy prints, paintings, or stylish jewelry, turn your home-based hobby into profit in your pocket. Test the market before you make 100 beaded necklaces or build up a stockpile of silk flowers for your future business. Go to craft fairs, art shops, flea markets, and other places that sell products similar to your specialty. Check out the competition - what's hot - what's not - prices and talk to people. If you feel confident that your creation is a winner, rent a stand at a craft show to see if it sells. After exploring your market, you will be able to decide how to continue or what to change to succeed at selling your homemade arts and crafts creations.

Benefits: Get paid for doing something you enjoy and decide when you want to work.

Necessities: Focus and commitment to create your products with a personal touch and perfection in bulk quantity. Desire to sell whatever you make.

Considerations: Loss of credibility with customers, if claims about your custom products fail to be completely factual.

Drawbacks: No guaranteed income. Self-motivation to make and sell your special arts and crafts.

7 - Start An Errand Service

There's plenty of people from busy professionals and bachelors to single parents and senior citizens, who don't have time or transportation to pick up prescriptions, drop off dry cleaning, shop for groceries or other goods. If you don't mind shuttling your kids from store to store, shopping from someone else's list or waiting in line to place an order or pay for a purchase, consider offering to complete these types of errands for other people. Contact friends, family, local businesses, or senior centers, to find people, who fit the profile of someone who would be benefit from this service. If you get a few satisfied customers, word-of-mouth should pave a path to other people, who would pay you to run their errands.

Benefits: Make your own hours and choose your customers.

Necessities: Reliable vehicle. Knowledge of geographic area, Patience and ability to pay attention to details and each customer's specific desires and directions.

Considerations: Automobile insurance. Responsibility for someone else's valuable personal goods. Whether it's their clothing or their medicine, they're trusting you to treat it like it was your own priceless possession. (Don't hang the freshly dry-cleaned $200 suit in the back seat next to your two year-old, who's drinking his little cup of grape juice)

Drawbacks: Ability to devise efficient, economical plan to deliver services to customers. Kids can get bored quick in the car and kids can run away and wreak havoc in stores. (But depending on the age of your children - they can offer valuable assistance and learn something by helping you find items on your shopping list at some stores.)

Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -